Early Sunnī Historiography: A Study of the Tārīkh of Khalīfa b. Khayyāṭ, by Tobias Andersson
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(First paragraph) My first encounter with Khalīfah ibn Khayyāṭ (d.240AH/854CE) was during my undergraduate study, where in one of the courses I was assigned to review the development of the genre of ṭabaqāt (prosopography arranged by affiliation or generation) in early Islam. It was then that I learned that Khalīfah has gained his reputation as a distinguished scholar of history, particularly among the sunnī scholars of post canonization of ḥadīth scholarship, by virtue of his two works Ṭabaqāt and Tārīkh. The scholar marks the emergence of a distinct genre of ḥadīth-influenced historical writing in Muslim tradition as illustrated by Akram al-ʿUmarī who studied the methods and sources of Khalīfah in his edition of Tārīkh. Recently, al-ʿUmarī´s treatment proves to be a useful source for both Ḥusayn ʿāṣī in his Arabic survey of Khalīfah´s method in Ṭabaqāt and Tārīkh, and Tobias Andersson, the author of the present work in review. ...