e-ISSN: 1309-1719
ISSN: 1309-1786
Period: 2 Issues Annually
Start: 2010
Publisher: Bursa İlahiyat Vakfı

Der eine und das andere: beobachtungen an islamischen häresiographischen texten, by Josef van Ess

Der eine und das andere: beobachtungen an islamischen häresiographischen texten, by Josef van Ess

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Frank Griffel
Yale University


How to Cite
Griffel, Frank. 2013. “Der Eine Und Das Andere: Beobachtungen an Islamischen häresiographischen Texten, by Josef Van Ess”. Ilahiyat Studies 4 (1):139-44. https://doi.org/10.12730/13091719.2013.41.83.


Der Eine und das Andere : Beobachtungen an islamischen häresiographischen Texten, by Josef van Ess (Studien zur Geschichte und Kultur des islamischen Orients: 23) (Berlin and New York: De Gruyter, 2011), 2 vols, xxviii + xvi + 1510 pp., ISBN: 978-3-11-021577-9 â¬209 / $293 (hb) (First paragraph) Josef van Ess´s latest work is a monumental study of the Islamic heresiographic tradition in Arabic and in Persian literatures. In the style of his colossal history of early Islamic theology, the six-volume Theologie und Gesellschaft (Berlin & New York: Walter de Gruyter, 1991-1997), van Ess surveys in this book writings about religious divisions within Islam. We have come to call these works heresi-ographies, although that word, which has its origins in Christian literature, does not fully apply. There are not in Islam heresies like there are in Christianity. Where there is no center of orthodoxy there can be no heresies, van Ess argues, and in Islam orthodoxy has always been in the eye of the beholder, meaning the author of whatever heresiography one is looking at (II, 1298-1308).

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