e-ISSN: 1309-1719
ISSN: 1309-1786
Period: 2 Issues Annually
Start: 2010
Publisher: Bursa İlahiyat Vakfı

Religion in modern Islamic discourse, by Abdulkader Tayob

Religion in modern Islamic discourse, by Abdulkader Tayob

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Muhammed Haron
University of Botswana


How to Cite
Haron, Muhammed. 2013. “Religion in Modern Islamic Discourse, by Abdulkader Tayob”. Ilahiyat Studies 4 (1):98-101. https://doi.org/10.12730/13091719.2013.41.74.


Religion in modern Islamic discourse, by Abdulkader Tayob (London: C. Hurst & Co. [Publishers], 2009), viii + 200 pp., ISBN: 978-185065-953-2, £45.00 (hb) (First paragraph) Abdulkader Tayob in his Religion in Modern Islamic Discourse undertook a careful study of how 'religion,' as a key variable in 'reli-gious studies' in general and 'Islamic studies' in particular, has been employed and discussed by Muslim intellectuals at the end of the 19th century and throughout the 20th century. Tayob discussed engagingly about the status of 'Religion in Modern Islam' (pp. 1-22) and argued about its relevance as a distinctive variable; and like many other social scientists he made reference to how and why scholars such as Max Weber defined/explained religion in modern society. Instead of depending upon their interpretations, Tayob brought Wilfred Cantwell Smith and Armando Salvatore's ideas on board; for him they offered useful insights as to how it should be applied to present-day Muslim societies. Since their respective understandings were appropriate, Tayob employed their theoretical conceptualization throughout his study.

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