e-ISSN: 1309-1719
ISSN: 1309-1786
Period: 2 Issues Annually
Start: 2010
Publisher: Bursa İlahiyat Vakfı

Humor in early Islam, by Franz Rosenthal, with an introduction by Geert Jan van Gelder

Humor in early Islam, by Franz Rosenthal, with an introduction by Geert Jan van Gelder

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Gert Borg
Radboud University Nijmegen


How to Cite
Borg, Gert. 2013. “Humor in Early Islam, by Franz Rosenthal, With an Introduction by Geert Jan Van Gelder”. Ilahiyat Studies 4 (1):94-97. https://doi.org/10.12730/13091719.2013.41.73.


(First paragraph) Humor in early Islam, by Franz Rosenthal, with an introduction by Geert Jan van Gelder (Brill Classics in Islam: 6) (Leiden & Boston: Brill, 2011), xviii + 154 pp., ISBN: 978-90-04-21148-3, EUR75.00 / $107.00 (hb) This book by Franz Rosenthal, a scholar in Arabic and Semitic studies, was first published in 1956 and did hardly lose any of its significance until the present day. Therefore it was a splendid initiative to have it re-edited, this time with an intelligent introduction by Geert Jan van Gelder.

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