Revisiting Shams al-Dīn Ibn ʿAbd al-Hādī’s Position in the Literature of Aḥādīth al-aḥkām: al-Muḥarrar
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This study examines Ibn ʿAbd al-Hādī’s work al-Muḥarrar in the context of its place in the literature of aḥādīth al-aḥkām/ḥadīths of legal status. The first part of the study provides information about the life of Ibn ʿAbd al-Hādī, a member of the famous Qudāmah family, followed by his scholarly personality and works. The second part presents an in-depth, critical analysis and comprehensive evaluations of al-Muḥarrar. In this context, an underresearched issue is that the work is an abbreviated version of Ibn Daqīq al-ʿĪd’s al-Ilmām. The relative merit of this claim is examined and the probability that al-Muḥarrar is an independent work is evaluated. In this evaluation, the contents of both works are juxtaposed in a table revealing fundamental differences between them. Another significant contribution of this paper are that it reveals the key aspects of the work and illustrates how it contributes to the ḥadīth literature by showing specific samples from the work. The paper concludes that in such a seminal work that includes aḥādīth al-aḥkām, it seems to be crystally clear that the author used his ḥadīth narration method in the book and that the same order of the fiqh books of the era was followed to maximize the impact of the work.
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