The Barghawāṭian Mahdī and Prophet: An Evaluation of Ṣāliḥ ibn Ṭarīf’s Claims
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Throughout the history of Islam, many people have emerged with the claim of being the Mahdī. One of the most remarkable of these claims is undoubtedly that of Ṣāliḥ ibn Ṭarīf, a member of the Berber Barghawāṭah tribe, in the mid-eighth century. According to sources, Ṣāliḥ ibn Ṭarīf became the leader of his tribe after the death of his father, declared himself both a prophet and a Mahdī in his time, and saw himself as a legitimate religious and earthly authority. Due to the scarcity of in-depth studies on Ibn Ṭarīf’s claim in the literature, this paper introduces his character in general and discusses his claim of being the Mahdī in particular. Furthermore, his claims are evaluated using a literature review and an analytical method. In this manner, it is hoped that the paper contributes to the literature on Mahdism and North African studies.
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