e-ISSN: 1309-1719
ISSN: 1309-1786
Period: 2 Issues Annually
Start: 2010
Publisher: Bursa İlahiyat Vakfı

Is a non-metaphysical religious thought possible? - possibility of religious thought within the scope of Heidegger's onto-theology criticism -

Is a non-metaphysical religious thought possible? - possibility of religious thought within the scope of Heidegger's onto-theology criticism -

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Kasım Küçükalp
Uludağ University


How to Cite
Küçükalp, Kasım. 2012. “Is a Non-Metaphysical Religious Thought Possible? - Possibility of Religious Thought Within the Scope of Heidegger’s onto-Theology Criticism -”. Ilahiyat Studies 2 (2):145-67. https://doi.org/10.12730/13091719.2011.22.35.


This article aims to treat the uniqueness of religious thought as a subject of reflection by reference to Martin Heidegger's philosophy since his views incorporate such a deeply rooted analysis. In pursuing the subject the article inquiries into the possibility of a non-metaphysical religious mode of thought in considering Heidegger's critique of traditional Western metaphysics, his assessments on the onto-theological and humanistic character of metaphysics, and his evaluations on the meaning of true thinking pursuant to the mode of thought he calls ontological. With regard to our assessments of religious thought, we take Heidegger's onto-theological criticisms as a point of departure. However, considering his philosophy and manner of thinking, we try to reveal what kind of possibilities the Heideggerian view can provide us in terms of religious thinking. Therefore, it is important that our assessments of religious thought not be interpreted as identical to Heidegger's philosophy but rather as ideas that he might have potentially incorporated into his own philosophy.


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